Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Metachrosis at Chamaeleo Sapiens

Chamaeleo Sapiens has changed its colors once again! The look and the content have shifted, but I hope the same spirit - to work through life's highs and lows together - remains intact. This reorientation has been on my mind for a few months now, but as 2020 has progressed it has impressed upon me the need for the change, for my sake if for no one else's! If the revamped blog helps you navigate this difficult year any too, then I'll take that as an additional win for 2020!

I originally started this blog in the days when LiveJournal was still a recent thing and people didn't think twice of over-sharing personal information online. How times have changed! (And rightly so! What were we thinking?!) And my God, how times have changed! I know I personally had a great deal of hope for 2020, but here we are in this year when we don't get the options we want, but the options we have.

Last year was a year of great highs and lows for me personally (more on that later!), and I entered 2020 really expecting life to be on the up and up as 2019's lows worked themselves out. Instead, here we are! Decision after unexpected decision has confronted me this year, and I've procrastinated, whined, raged, and despaired by turn waiting and hoping against hope not even for the options I wish I had, but just for the far from ideal options I had just last year that are now themselves well and truly gone. (For the foreseeable future anyways!)

But this isn't the year we get the options we want, it's the year we get the options we have. My hope is to explore them together with you as we all navigate this difficult year and the years to come.